
Hi there!

Welcome to shelter & seed. We hope you’ll follow along on our adventures in garden and design!

the garden workout plan

the garden workout plan

If you want a way to get into shape before bathing suit season, start over 120 plants in your basement. I call this workout plan the “hardening off”. It involves squatting to lift said plants and then taking multiple trips up and down the stairs to get them outside - twice each day. This step in the process is one of the most crucial. You are introducing your coddled seedlings to what can be a less than ideal environment when they’ve been in “perfect” conditions for weeks. So, there are a few things that make the plant’s transition into their new home a little easier.

  1. Harden off your plants over the course of at least a week. I typically do this when temperatures are pretty consistently in the 60s. April/May is usually a good bet.

  2. If you can, start hardening off on a day that is overcast. Only allow them to be in the sun 2-3 hours that first day - even if it’s overcast.

  3. Add a few more hours each day to ease them into the transition. You should also not be watering as frequently to help wean them off of being babied and having water right when they need it.

  4. After a week, they’re ready to transplant. Give them a little boost of fertilizer and water them into the garden really well to avoid transplant shock.

I was overly excited this year and probably put the plants in too early. They don’t like fluctuating temperatures or cold soil so always better to wait a little longer if you’re unsure. Or if you’re like me and just can’t stand it, plant when you want, cross your fingers, and pray for less rain and more sun in the forecast!

Until next time y’all!


pot up, homie

pot up, homie