
Hi there!

Welcome to shelter & seed. We hope you’ll follow along on our adventures in garden and design!

oops, i did it again

oops, i did it again

Y’all. We went seed shopping. Guess how much I spent? FIFTY DOLLARS. Clearly I didn’t listen to my own advice about those $5 adding up quickly. However, I am proud to say that we only purchased three different varieties of peppers. Now we will have to see if I can ward off Adam’s attempts to have me plant four of each…

My parents were in town visiting from my hometown, Richmond, VA, this weekend so the majority of the time was spent eating, drinking, chatting, and cuddling the granddogs. It rained on Saturday (surprise, surprise) and we were looking for something to do indoors so we headed to one of my favorite places - Merrifield Garden Center! It’s honestly a mecca for people that like plants, birds, and cute dogs. If our dogs didn’t hate the car and get anxious in public we would most definitely be those people that just walked around the garden center letting people pet them because let’s be real, they deserve all the love.

I digress. We bought our vegetable seeds but are holding off on flowers for now because it’s honestly just overwhelming and we had already spent enough time, and as it turns out, money for one visit. We went with primarily the same companies we have in the past because they have been successful for the most part but we did get some different varieties to try out. As I said before, we only buy things that we know we like to eat. The eggplant was my mom’s request but I figured she deserved it so we threw that in too :)


Renee’s Garden

Heirloom Herbs (Sweet Green Basil)

Botanical Interests

Basil (Lemon Mrs. Burns)

Basil (Italian Large Leaf)


Lake Valley Organics

Bush Bean (French Garden)


Garden Bean (Tendergreen)



Broccoli (De Cicco)

Botanical Interests

Broccoli (Belstar)


Lake Valley Organics

Cucumber (Tendergreen Burpless)

Cucumber (Spacemaster)


Cucumber (Straight Eight)


Renee’s Garden

Container Eggplant (Little Prince)


Livingston Seed

Arugula (Roquette)

Lettuce (Select Salad Blend)

Lettuce (Parris Island Romaine)


Botanical Interests*

Chile Jalapeno (Early Jalapeno)

Sweet Pepper (Yolo Wonder)

Sweet Pepper (Sweet Cherry Blend)

*never used this company before


Lake Valley Organics

Pole Tomato (Cherokee Purple)

Bush Tomato (Red Cherry Large)

Pole Tomato (Beefsteak)

Bush Tomato (Siletz)


Cherry Tomato (Sweetie)

Summer Squash


Summer Squash (Early Summer Crookneck)

Whew - now I’m starving. Good thing it’s time for dinner. Until next time y’all!


seeds & shot glasses

seeds & shot glasses

let's start at the very beginning

let's start at the very beginning