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Hi there!

Welcome to shelter & seed! I feel like this part of the website should be the easiest to write but for some reason I’m stuck. I guess I should start with names? I’m Cate and I cover the “seed” portion of the website. You can plan to hear from me about all things gardening related which yes, will definitely include food. My husband, Adam, will be sharing all things related to “shelter”. He’s an interior decorator by day (super husband by night!) so you can expect lots of inspiring design for your home’s interiors and exteriors.

We thought of starting shelter & seed over a glass of wine on our patio after spending all day hand tilling our garden. You would think after hand tilling for hours we would have been less than inspired…quite the opposite in fact. We thought, my goodness, if someone had told us buying a tiller for $150 would be the best money we would ever spend we could have saved a lot of time and energy - let’s share the news! So, there you go. That’s all we got for ya. Thanks for coming!

All jokes aside, Adam and I live in Fairfax, VA with our two equally sassy and goofy dogs. When we’re not working - Adam as an interior decorator and me as an arts administrator - we are either cooking, eating, gardening, watching Netflix, or cuddling with the pups. Life is simple here at the Bechtold resort and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We hope you’ll join us on this journey to share our gardening and decorating successes (and failures) so that we can learn and laugh together.

-cate, adam, sammy and molly